
Chinese immersion class project would be much with Chinese characteristics: pinyin table of Chinese characters, the map of China, the national flag, red lanterns and couplets… Every classroom is a unique individual character, multi-function teaching environment, sweet and comfortable and interesting.The school also has a dining room, library, computer classroom, music classroom, gymnasium, the nurse station, etc., on basic construction and the domestic, only relatively advanced various configurations.

而中文沉浸式项目的班级就更有中国风特色了:拼音汉字表、中国地图、国旗、红灯笼和对联……每一间教室都是独具个性的、多功能的教学环境,温馨舒适又趣味盎然。 学校还设有食堂、图书馆、微机教室、音体美教室、体育馆、护士站等,构造上基本和国内无异,只是各种配置上比较先进。

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